The Scoop

August 2024

August 2024

Howdy, Howdy! Look at me, bein' on track n shit.. Don't get to confident Sav, life still happens. But I'm here, I'm excited, I'm full of ideas, plans and I'm...

August 2024

Howdy, Howdy! Look at me, bein' on track n shit.. Don't get to confident Sav, life still happens. But I'm here, I'm excited, I'm full of ideas, plans and I'm...

July (April-July Catch Up)

July (April-July Catch Up)

Laaawwwrrrddddddd, I have GOT to get my shhhhh together. Buckle in y'all, it's a long one! But stick through it, it's worth it! First off.. How in the heck is...

July (April-July Catch Up)

Laaawwwrrrddddddd, I have GOT to get my shhhhh together. Buckle in y'all, it's a long one! But stick through it, it's worth it! First off.. How in the heck is...

April Updates

April Updates

Howdy! Weww, April already? Where has time gone? My last blog post was January, yikes! So much has happened, I haven't had the time to post an updated blog, let...

April Updates

Howdy! Weww, April already? Where has time gone? My last blog post was January, yikes! So much has happened, I haven't had the time to post an updated blog, let...

January Drop

January Drop

Howdy, Howdy! First blog of 2024!!!! I hope you were safe and had fun ringing in the New Year! Any resolutions y'all have set? I'm not entirely sure what mine...

January Drop

Howdy, Howdy! First blog of 2024!!!! I hope you were safe and had fun ringing in the New Year! Any resolutions y'all have set? I'm not entirely sure what mine...

Grand Re-Opening Anniversary

Grand Re-Opening Anniversary

Y'ALL! November 28th, marks ONE YEAR of my grand re-opening!!! Can you believe it? I am just so humbled and thankful. First let me start off with the BIGGEST Thank...

Grand Re-Opening Anniversary

Y'ALL! November 28th, marks ONE YEAR of my grand re-opening!!! Can you believe it? I am just so humbled and thankful. First let me start off with the BIGGEST Thank...

Black Friday Sale??

Black Friday Sale??

Hey y'all! Happy Thanks Chicken, I mean, Happy Thanksgiving! The sale season is upon us and FCC is participating for the first time in Black Friday! Stay tuned for my...

Black Friday Sale??

Hey y'all! Happy Thanks Chicken, I mean, Happy Thanksgiving! The sale season is upon us and FCC is participating for the first time in Black Friday! Stay tuned for my...