April Updates

April Updates

Howdy! Weww, April already? Where has time gone? My last blog post was January, yikes! So much has happened, I haven't had the time to post an updated blog, let alone shut my brain off.. It's been go-go-go around here.

To be honest, I think I operate best when I'm busy.. but boyyy, does it make time fly. Hints why I'm here now, two months later, FINALLY providing a new blog.

So let's do a little recap.. January was the first month of the New Year! I started off strong with ripping my thumb nail off when trying to open the window above my kitchen sink.. #oldhouseprobs. That hurt! In the midst of trying to navigate a gimpy thumb, my dog decided to have her puppies, adding 6 more responsibilities to my plate, no biggie (LOL). We have Frenchie's so with them being fragile, my husband and I took turns for around the clock care, putting puppies on mom to nurse, EVERY TWO HOURS... yeah.. all while I juggled; keeping my human children alive and well, meals, snacks, chores, errands, oh... and running my business! Hey, but we survived! That lasted a couple weeks and when puppies became independent enough, we started allowing puppies to stay with mom full-time. So that sums up my month of January.

February was a month of growth and opportunity! I was offered the privilege of becoming an affiliate for a company I have admired for a while now.. If you're interested, be sure to check out khobbsdesigns.com. Code FARMHOUSE will now save you 10% off on your orders! February was definitely my "dog mom" era, I made a handful of dog mom cups and those went like hot cakes!

March was a month of expanding my creativity and trying new designs on tumblers, such as templates! Templates have been so fun! Challenging, but very fun. That's what we all want right? Growth? I feel like a spring chicken, ready to conquer new designs and try new things and so far, I'm loving it! I hope y'all are too! I've received a lot of love on my template tumblers! I think one of them got over 600 likes and 90+ comments! WOWZA. It's support, encouragement and praise like that, that keeps me going. It feels good! Especially when I had stepped out of my comfort zone and tried things I had never tried before! Lastly, I was offered the opportunity to partner with ANOTHER company I had long admired and supported, SwearyKim! All those fun UV DTF wraps, glass libby cans, both regular and ombre, and the glass snow globe tumblers, those are ALL SwearyKim! Go check her out, www.swearykim.com, code FARMHOUSE will save you $$! OH MY GOSH!! And how could I forget? I opened a FB Group page in replacement of my "page", giving my customers and future customers, the opportunity to participate, post and share their FCC products, ask questions and keep up with the NEW things happening at FCC. Come join my FB Group if you haven't! Here is the link


And flash forward to now, Hello April! I foresee April being filled with continued growth and trying new things, staying creative and expressive with my cups, *trying* to keep up with current trends and continue providing you guys the best quality, custom cups. I have it announced on my socials, but I'll post it here too, April 3-7th, I will be out of office, my girl is getting married!!! So we will be out, celebrating her bachelorette weekend! Any orders placed during that time, will either be started or shipping out, Monday, April 8th. 

Alright.. well I think that sums it up! I'll try to be better at updating monthly, instead of these long "catch up" blogs. Be sure to leave any comments, if you've made it this far! If you have made it this far, THANK YOU! 

I'll be uploading new items that are currently available so be sure to shop my website! 

Until next time, Xoxo - Sav

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