July (April-July Catch Up)

July (April-July Catch Up)

Laaawwwrrrddddddd, I have GOT to get my shhhhh together. Buckle in y'all, it's a long one! But stick through it, it's worth it!

First off.. How in the heck is it July already and how was my last blog 3 months ago? Where does time go? Rude. I am so sorry y'all. Sincerely. Or maybe I'm just talking to myself in here, but hey.. who doesn't love journaling? Fun fact, I actually love to write, document, make notes and lists. I love making grocery lists and then leaving them at home so I can wander around the store with a growling tummy and blindly add food to the cart, that will most likely go bad before we even get to it. Love that s'much. Okay.. enough rambling. It's. currently 1:40 in the morning, so I'm delusional and obviously a chatter box. Let's do a little recap. So back in April, I did a recap of the beginning of the year and all the successes and opportunities I was given. I'm happy to report that all is well and my opportunities are opening a lot of doors for me and this little small business of mine. My FB Group is glowing (a little word play because I play with glitter everyday) and growing! If you aren't a part of my FBG, you should head on over and check it out! It's a fun time in there


So lets do a recap from May-today (I know.. I know.. I'll get my shit together, just not today. k. love you.

May I got my girl down the aisle and we celebrated Mr. and Mrs. Draper. The bachelorette party was one to remember! I mentioned in April's blog that I would be away for a couple days while we went and celebrated the bride-to-be and now I can share that, that was forsure a trip I'll never forget. *note, I HIGHLY recommend a neck pillow for long car rides. I was one happy camper and it made snoozin' a breeze!* This trip was extremely fun! We did all the fun bach activities and I just have to commend the bride's MOH for the weekend she hosted. Absolutely amazing. From the Air BNB, to the decor, games, activities, reservations, things to do, outfits and color schemes, it was truly unforgettable. Now my FAVORITE part... the last night of our trip, we go out for a really nice dinner. I'm talkin' black-tie vibes. This restaurant was high end and fancy-shmancy. I ordered a shrimp pasta, thinking I was gonna play it safe because red meat *usually* upsets my stomach, and I didn't want to ruin my trip. So shrimp pasta should be fine...... NOPE. Insert *food poisoning*. I wish I was joking. I'm talking the whole 9; cold sweats, shivers, spins, nauseated, I did throw up, I was a HOT MESS. RIP. Luckily, I was able to sleep most of it off and just felt out of it on the ride home, but no getting car sick or having to pull over. I survived. Thank god!

June I took a leap on pure hope and prayer. At this point FCC has a discount code for just-about all your tumbler making needs... except stainless steel tumbler blanks. So... I had made myself a goal of getting on with a company and achieving that goal so I could share my code with my followers and offer y'all a discount and I wanted to achieve that this year. Well, I'm happy to share with you, that I am now an ambassador for The Tipsy Magnolia Steel Company!! code FARMHOUSE saves when shopping your tumbler blank needs


Never give up on yourself. Never say "ohhh, I can't do that" or "I'm not good enough". BS! You are capable of anything you put your mind to!

July For the past 5 years, my family and I have been going on an annual 4th Of July trip to the Oregon Dunes. We take our toy haulers, campers, quads, dirtbikes, side by sides and camp out there for a week. The last two years we regrettably stayed back because it was a lot, due to our youngest being new to the herd and at the time, she was 5 months shy of being 1 and then she was 5 months shy of being 2. Well this year, she's 2 (and you guessed it, 5 months shy of 3), so we felt confident that the girls would have fun and enjoy the trip this year. I have to commend my girls. At the ages of 2 and 4, these little girls were troopers. A 9 hour car ride there, 5 days extensive playing and late nights (RIP to our nap regimen) and the curve ball of sleeping in a sleeping bag/camping, they had the time of their lives and it was such a thrill to live through their experience. Jeff and I loved it. 

I started a YouTube Channel!! I have been wanting to do this for a while now. I love to help, share, encourage, uplift and motivate and I figured it was time to get this up and running. I have two brain cells fighting to survive and I figured why not share the last little bit that I have to offer. I attempted to record a in-depth tutorial on a snowglobe tumbler, start to finish, and I recorded it in portrait mode (vertical) and YouTube does best in landscape (horizontal). So that video was trash. jk. I've been cutting it up and using clips for other platforms. The second video I attempted to record, I done forgot to record steps. And what tutorial doesn't show certain steps? Annoyed. Throw that one in the trash. So THE THIRD attempt, I've nailed it! I've recorded every step and I'm happy to share that Monday, July 22, I'll be able to upload my very first tumbler tutorial!! A little vinyl + glitter action. The cutest pattern and prettiest glitter, you aren't going to want to miss it! Come subscribe if you're interested in my shenanigans 


OMG!!! How could I forget?? Duh!!! Did I mention, in March, Jeff and I officially started planning our wedding ceremony and reception? Back in 2021, Jeff and I got married at the courthouse and we had always anticipated having an actual ceremony and reception in the future but life got busy and obviously time gets away from us, so it def took longer than expected but yes! September 14th, 2024, Jeff and I are having the wedding of our dreams. So in the midst of all this chaos and daily struggles, we (I mean me) are planning a wedding. And it wouldn't be true 'Sav' fashion if I weren't DIY'ing this whole thing, myself. So you bet your sweet arse, I'm saving every dollar I can to make this as boujee on a budget as possible. Let me retract my statement. I am not the only one planning this wedding. Sure, I may be calling the shots or making the decisions but Jeff is beside me, every step of the way. He's making decisions and calling shots too. And the unconditional love, support and help I'm receiving from my MOH is so heart warming. She's the best! (S/O Lexi) Let me add on to June's recap because I done skipped right over this kind-of-a-big-deal piece of information... June 6th I started my weight loss journey, to tackle mom pudge. Weighing in at 168lbs, I began fasting, making healthier choices when eating and walking a mile a day. Flash forward to Thursday, July 18th, I'm weighing in at 158lbs! -10lbs down and I can't wait to see where I get by September. I don't have exact goals, other than sliming mom pudge down, but if I can lose 10lbs in one month, lets see how much I can lose in 2! 

Present Day Alright y'all, we've made it this far and I'm getting tired. It's now 2:30am and I'm sleepy. That's my recap for the last 3 months and I promise to TRY and update monthly.. No more of these long, obnoxious, rambling recaps. I'll set a reminder in my phone to give y'all the scoop monthly! Oh! One last thing before I forget, I found the 2 fragrances (perfumes) that I absolutely want/need for my wedding day! I am saving up for them but I need your help! I have all my RTS listed and (im)patiently waiting for their new homes! My custom orders are open and every purchase counts! I'm setting aside funds to be able to buy these perfumes. If you are on the hunt for a new, custom, unique, handcrafted tumbler, I encourage you to check out my website and shop my RTS, or you can reach out and inquire about having a custom cup made! If you want to help but don't need/want a new cup right now, all I ask is that you share my page. Tell your friends and family, encourage them to check out my page and check out my socials for all the fun content I share! Help spread the word so I can get a few more cups sold and buy those two perfumes! Thank you in advance <3 

Comments are on! Leave me a little somethin if you made it through the post! 

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